This Week
School Fees
Term 1 school fee accounts were emailed out on 5 February 2020. The due date for payment is 19 February 2020 - unless you have a payment arrangement in place.
It is still possible to set up a direct debit payment scheme. The form can be obtained on REALM.
If you did not receive your account please contact Judy Kelly via email [email protected] or [email protected]
Thank you
Cultural Capers Week 8
Cultural News
In response to the unfolding COVID-19 outbreak, St Patrick’s has implemented a wide range of prevention measures to deal with containing the rate of infection. Today we have made the decision to suspend all Cultural Activities until further notice. Programs which will cease from today include:
- Music Ensembles (rehearsals and performances)
- Art Clubs (Junior and Senior)
- Film Crews (Junior and Senior)
- Chess Clubs (Junior and Senior)
- Theatresports
- Debating
- Junior Musical “Aladdin Jnr”
Please Note: All individual and group music lessons will continue as per the term one music lesson timetables.
I would like to commend our young men on the wonderful way that they have participated in the program with such passion and creativity. The work that they have achieved was outstanding and as such, I know that it was a worthwhile and productive process. I am confident that these young men will have many opportunities to showcase their talents at the college in future months and years.
If you would like any further information, please contact [email protected]
Mr Geoff Samuels - Head of Culture
Chess News
Chess Club Goes Digital
Gentlemen Further to the announcement that all extra-curricular activities have been cancelled for the near future Chess Club will now be fully online. I will be posting a list of student and coach usernames on the REALM pages and ask that you try to line up some times to play each other as well as playing against the computer. If you are yet to sign up to please do so. The site has full student access. Once you have your username please email it to me ( [email protected] ). If you have not yet emailed me your username, please do so as soon as you can.
Mrs Rosemary Butt - Chess Coordinator
The proposed YTS competition scheduled for Term 2 has been indefinitely postponed. As a result we will suspend Theatresports training until further notice. We will keep you updated if the situation changes.
Mr Duncan Moir – Theatresports Coordinator
Cultural Support Group News
Fundraising with Entertainment Group
All Memberships are now Digital.
Click here to order your new Entertainment Membership.
Thank you for your continued support.
on Behalf of the Cultural Support Group
SPC Healthy & Active Kids EASTER Holiday Care Program CANCELLED
Dear St Patrick’s Year 5-9 Students and Parents
Unfortunately, due the current COVID-19 government restrictions, the Easter Holiday Camp on Monday 6 April to Thursday 9 April has been cancelled.
Camps for the June, September and Christmas holidays have not been cancelled at this stage.
Mr Heath Mackintosh