This Week
School Fees
Term 1 school fee accounts were emailed out on 5 February 2020. The due date for payment is 19 February 2020 - unless you have a payment arrangement in place.
It is still possible to set up a direct debit payment scheme. The form can be obtained on REALM.
If you did not receive your account please contact Judy Kelly via email [email protected] or [email protected]
Thank you
Student Formation
From the Dean of Students
This month on SchoolTV - Happiness & Gratitude
Happiness is a term that captures a huge variety of positive emotions such as humour, serenity, optimism, joy, pride, inspiration, love and hope. Happiness means different things, to different people and is essential to your understanding of emotional literacy. Throughout history, philosophers, religious writers and poets have pondered on the meaning of happiness and how it might be achieved. In the last few decades, scientists and psychologists have researched this further by studying a field of science called positive psychology.
The result of this research suggests there is a strong correlation between gratitude and greater happiness. Practising gratitude helps you shift your focus to positive memories or experiences, noticing the good in your life. Over time, this will re-wire your brain to create new neural pathways, increasing your state of happiness and overall wellbeing.
In this edition of SchoolTV, parents and care-givers will learn how to achieve happiness and the benefits of practising gratitude. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the College Counsellors for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to this month's edition
Mr Darren Kearney - Dean of Students
SPC Healthy & Active Kids EASTER Holiday Care Program CANCELLED
Dear St Patrick’s Year 5-9 Students and Parents
Unfortunately, due the current COVID-19 government restrictions, the Easter Holiday Camp on Monday 6 April to Thursday 9 April has been cancelled.
Camps for the June, September and Christmas holidays have not been cancelled at this stage.
Mr Heath Mackintosh