The Rite Journey
The Rite Journey serves schools and their communities by empowering them to self-sufficiently and sustainably grow responsible, resilient, resourceful, reflective, and respectful children and adolescents by providing training, workshops, resources, support and inspiration.
The Rite Journey created by founder, Andrew Lines complements your role as parents and carers in guiding your child into young adulthood. Young people yearn to prove that they are adults. Most traditional cultures have a carefully crafted process guided by elders that provides this experience. In the absence of this adolescents often take it upon themselves to create their own rites of passage.
Learning to be an adult in any society typically involves guidance, mentoring and a great many conversations. However, in our society today we very often see young people turning to peers, the media and the internet to source this knowledge and guidance. There has been a loss of human-connection and nurturing as screens dominate adolescents’ lives in our technologically saturated world.
Recognising the significant period of emotional and physical growth in Year 9, The Rite Journey program is delivered as a curriculum subject to all Year 9 students.
During The Rite Journey students will have numerous conversations around what it is to be a respectful and responsible man in our society. As your child journeys through the year, we hope that the discussions they are having at school may also stimulate conversation in your own homes.
The Rite Journey at St Patrick's College
Each term our conversations and deliberate actions centre around:
Term 1 - Relationship with self
Term 2 - Relationship with others
Term 3 - Relationship with spirit
Term 4 - My impact on the world
A unique feature of The Rite Journey are the seven steps that form a contemporary Rite of Passage, broken up throughout the year. Students will be guided through significant rites of passage:
- The Call and Departure
- Father/Guardian/Son Walk
- Mother/Guardian/Son Walk
- Retreat and TRJ Camp
- Mentor Project and Expo
- The Return and Homecoming
If you would like to continue reading about The Rite Journey, please visit the official website here-
During our 2024 Celebration of Excellence, we were honored to welcome Mr. Andrew Lines, who presented us with the prestigious Rite Journey Lead School Award. This award recognizes excellence and innovation in delivering The Rite Journey and has been granted to only nine schools in over 20 years.