History and Traditions
Schooling commenced at St Patrick's on 29 January 1952, with a roll of 172 students. Four Christian Brothers were chosen to pioneer the foundation. Br Coffey was the Superior of the Brothers' Community and the first Principal of the College. Since then, the Christian Brothers have continued to play an important part in the history and ethos of the St Patrick's College community.
The Founder of the Christian Brothers, Blessed Edmund Rice, was known for his concern for the poor and the marginalised. The College's non-selective enrolment policy is reflective of Blessed Edmund's original vision.
St Patrick's has been well served throughout its history by many exceptional teachers - religious and lay, men and women. Their efforts, supported by the partnership of parents, continue to enable young men to attain their full potential.
"Morven", the central building of the St Patrick's College campus, was constructed in 1864 as home for one of Queensland's first Parliamentarians, Mr John McConnel. From 1890 to 1910 "Morven" was the official summer residence for the Governor of Queensland, Sir Henry Wylie Norman. In 1951, Father O'Rourke, parish priest of Sandgate purchased "Morven" with the intent of beginning a school for young men.
The growth of the College has been steady. From its humble beginnings with 172 students, St Patrick's is now providing education to 1,400 students in Years 5 to 12.
“Certa Bonum Certamen" is the College motto. It is Latin for “Fight the Good Fight". The motto was selected by the first Headmaster, Brother Coffey.
The Crest
The College Crest was created by Brother Brian Saward, one of the first four Christian Brothers at the College in 1952. Our College Technology Centre is named in his honour. Brother Saward explains the meaning behind the Crest elements as follows:
Shape: The Crest is shaped like a shield. The shield serves as a visual reminder that what the College teaches its community should protect them throughout their life.
Cross: This cross signifies that St Patrick's College is a Catholic school and reminds its community to employ Christian principles in their daily lives and decision making.
Rays: The rays stemming from the cross serve both as a signifier of Christ's example but also the example St Patrick's College students extend to the wider community as they model good citizenship.
Battlements: Below the Cross are “battlements", a defensive like structure, to remind the St Patrick's College community that the quest to live a good life can often be a battle. They are also shaped like a mitre, the ceremonial head-dress of bishops, to reflect that Archbishop Duhig officially opened the College in 1952 and served as a loyal friend and supporter of the College in its foundation years.
Motto: The motto was selected by the first Headmaster, Brother Coffey. Certa Bonum Certamen is the College motto, which is Latin for Fight the Good Fight.
In 2002, for the College's Golden Jubilee, the College Crest was redesigned to include a circle around the Crest, with two blue ovals included on either side of the shield, with the wording 'Est.' and '1952' written in white text. A gold colour was introduced to the Crest to signify the College being established for 50 years.